Model railway

Model railway is reproduced in a certain scale and very popular with many enthusiasts.
Our motors are used in the rear wheel-drive mechanism of HO Gauge (scale: 1/87) model railways.
Electric reels

Electric reel is used for fishing gear for boat fishing, where the fishing line to be wound up and down automatically.
Our motors are used in the clutch mechanism to switch the spool between a power transmitting state and a power cutoff state.

Micromouse is the general term given to a contest in which contestants compete to reach the goal in a maze using autonomous mouse robot equipped with a computer.
Our motors are used to the power mechanism for micromouse.

A drone is an unmanned aircraft that flies by remote control.
Our motors are used in the zoom mechanism of on-board camera.
Trading card arcade game machine

Trading card arcade game machine is played using cards.
Our motors are used in the transport mechanism for feeding cards.